Docker: Switching between VirtualBox and Docker

By PNC No comments

VirtualBox / Docker Conflict

So! You’re using VirtualBox and Docker Desktop but you cannot use them both simultaneously because the old version of VirtualBox doesn’t run on Hyper-V, and Hyper-V is required to run Docker.

Another thing is that Docker Toolbox is now deprecated, and Docker is pushing the use of Docker Desktop.

Since VirtualBox and Docker conflicts within the same environment, what you need to do is this.  DISABLE/ENABLE HYPER-V WHEN YOU NEED TO USE EITHER DOCKER OR VIRTUALBOX.

To do this, just copy the script below and run it on your terminal.  Make your that you’re in an administrative mode.

Turn Off HYPER-V to use VirtualBox

bcdedit /set hypervisorlaunchtype off

Turn On HYPER-V to use Docker

bcdedit /set hypervisorlaunchtype auto

Restart your PC.

That’s it!!! Simple and straight-forward!